Quarry Lane School
Dublin, California
Our chapter of the Village of Dreams has been running since 2020, working to share opportunities with as many people as possible in the Bay Area.

Our Projects
Holiday Food Drive

During the winter of 2022, we ran a Food Drive to give to Shepherd's Gate, a local homeless shelter, for the holidays. Our chapter collected over 100 items of food, including flavored cereal, flavored oatmeal, pancake mix, honey, pasta, pasta sauce, snacks, spices, soup, coffee, coffee creamer, sugar, cake mix, and cooking oils.
Our chapter partnered with the African Library Project to create a library for the Glee Grace Hospitality Academy in Malawi, Africa, a library for the Livulezi Community Secondary School in Malawi, Africa, and a library for the Maliki FYM School in Kenya, Africa. We were able to collect 2000+ books and raise over $1000 for the libraries, two times our initial goal.
African Library Project

Summer Programs

Our club decided to teach Project STEAMbot in-person at local areas. To do so, we created a summer program consisting of 4 sessions taught over the course of 4 weeks, teaching the basics of STEAM, robotics, and programming.
In the summers of 2022 and 2023, we taught our summer course at Harbor House, a local enrichment center for underserved kids in Oakland, California. We also taught at Genius Kids, another enrichment center, during the summer of 2023.
In the summer of 2022, we taught a Project STEAMbot summer program at Shepherd's Gate, a local homeless shelter for women and children. The program quickly expanded to weekly sessions throughout the year, where chapter members helped the kids explore all of STEAM instead of just robotics.
For the winter holidays, our chapter raised money to give chemistry kits, robotics kits, and other STEM gifts to the kids at the shelter.
Shepherd's Gate

Teaching Globally

We also took the initiative to teach Project STEAMBOT to students in remote villages in India over weekly Zoom calls. Members would attend the Zoom calls and answer any questions and concerns students had while following the online Udemy course, encouraging them to continue exploring robotics. When girls who were part of the program expressed doubt about their STEM capabilities, our team hosted a seminar in-person to combat these insecurities by advocating for women's participation in engineering and computer science.
Our chapter also hosted workshops to teach the fundamentals of robotics and programming. We have taught local Girl Scouts during the years of 2020 and 2023, helping them earn their Programming Robots, Designing Robots, and Showcasing Robots badges. We also hosted a workshop at McHenry House, a local homeless shelter in Tracy, California, during the year of 2020.